Friday, December 18, 2009

What is the best natural ingredient shampoo and conditioners to use?

ones that i could buy at rite aid or something that inst that expensive.

price doesn't matter though if it is a really good all natural and does the best for your hair i wouldn't mind price or where to buy it at.

i also have thick hair and have dandruff and i want something good for my hair and scalp instead of putting different chemicals to wash or style it that leave residue.

thanks in advance=pWhat is the best natural ingredient shampoo and conditioners to use?
I wash my hair with baby soap, it's soft, gentle and chemical free and i condition it with eggs, yes eggs and if you want a deep conditioner, use beer.......................I have nice thick should lenght hair and always have. I grew up RASTA and wear 2 strand twist in my hair now. I am always being complimented on how thick, shiny and healthy my hair looks. I grease my scalp with vitamin E tables...just heat them up and bust them open, it's a hot oil treatment, feels good and keeps hair maintained.

Good luckWhat is the best natural ingredient shampoo and conditioners to use?
i wash my hair with baby soap!!!

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